Ahavath Achim Synagogue Sisterhood Centennial Celebration
Ahavath Achim Synagogue Centennial Logo
On April 19, 2020, the Ahavath Achim Sisterhood will
commemorate its 100th Anniversary from 4 to 7 in the afternoon with
a celebration of our past, present and future at our synagogue on Peachtree
Battle Avenue.
The symbol of our Sisterhood is of the Four Matriarchs: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. They symbolize strength and grace, open to new challenges, new paths and opportunities, while embracing Jewish heritage and tradition and encompassing the total synagogue community. We are an active part of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, an international organization.
The first mention of a Sisterhood at Ahavath Achim […]
The art of listening!
Communication is as basic as the air you breathe because I don’t think you can do squat without communicating.” Judy Belk California Wellness Foundation.
Dear Readers:
Yesterday I wrote My quiet reflection lead to action, the first post in more than a year! I had no intention of writing another so soon.
But, the terrifying shooting at a Las Vegas concert sent shock waves up my spine.
Perhaps the person committing such a horrific act felt like he wasn’t heard. Maybe he felt that conversations he had were critical instead of supportive.
Then I thought about the work of Creating the Future. The organization’s focus […]
My quiet reflection lead to action!
“Keep your eye on the task, not on yourself. The task matters, and you are a servant.”
― Peter F. Drucker, Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices
I was on a roll.
Then I went quiet. The enormity of family issues overwhelmed me.
I realized as Jack Mezirow, the founder of transformative learning stated, that a defining condition of being human is our ability to understand the meaning of our experiences.
My quiet reflection lead to action!
So I dove into reading and scribbling handwritten notes. I started to become active in organizations and online communities.
The desire to ride Pascha and Black Olive lured me to the stables. […]
Strategic advocacy communication is key to my journey!
“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.” ― William Faulkner
I am not afraid to raise my voice for honesty, truth, and compassion. I am committed, passionate and motivated when I advocate for change. Strategic advocacy communication is key to my journey!
What is advocacy?
According to Joyce Johnson, writing for Learning to Give, advocacy means to speak up, to plead the case of another, or to fight for a cause. Advocacy, she writes, describes a wide range of expressions, actions, […]