Be fearless with social change communication!
“In 2012 and beyond, inspired by the challenges we face and the opportunities we are afforded, we’re officially declaring our intention to Be Fearless in all that we do … in our approach to philanthropy, social change, and social good – and we hope you’ll join us in this journey.” Jean & Steve Case, Case Foundation founders
I am a founding trustee of an organization committed to lasting social change in the lives of women and girls in the Jewish community.
I feel privileged to be involved. I know that pooling resources, energy and ideas is a smart way to have impact.
So, I would like to share with you the Five Values of Fearless Changemakers from the Case Foundation introduced during our last meeting.
- Make Big Bets and Make History. Set Audacious, not incremental, goals. Is your organization one that looks to what has worked in the past so you can do more of the same and feel safe? Why not set “big, hair, audacious goals” for yourself as described by Jim Collins & Jerry Porras in Built to Last.
- Experiment Early and Often. Don’t be afraid to go first. We are living in a nanosecond world. You must experiment to respond creatively. And, you need to communicate to your audiences to keep them engaged in your initiatives.
- Make Failure Matter. Failure teaches. Learn from it. Innovation always carries the risk of failure. Wear it. Celebrate what you’ve learned and move forward. Follow what Lucy Bernholz calls Failing Forward.
- Reach Beyond Your Bubble. It’s comfortable to go it alone. But innovation happens at intersections. Sticking with the tried and true stifles innovation. How does your organization the challenges of innovation? Don’t forget the African Proverb – “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
- Let urgency Conquer Fear. Don’t over- think and over-analyze. And, in the words of Nike, “Just do it!”
Do you have additional characteristics of what it takes to be a Fearless Changemaker that you would like to share? I’d love to hear them.