Students Draw The Line Against Prejudice Artwork
“Diversity should enrich our lives. When we accept others, it elevates the human experience.” Embracing Differences Founder Charlotte Wilen
Embracing Differences is a nonprofit that engages metro Atlanta in a dialogue about ending prejudice and discrimination. The organization uses art to educate and promote a community where all people share a mutual respect for others without prejudice, hate or fear.
Their signature project “Students Draw The Line…Against Prejudice” was created to serve as a powerful weapon to help fight the battle against intolerance. The event, which takes place this November, involves students through high school submitting works of art, which are exhibited and displayed to the general public.
Using Art, a website and Facebook to Fight Prejudice
My team and I were tasked with finding a way to reach the community with Embracing Differences message and to encourage metro Atlanta to view an outdoor exhibit of the winning art.
First step was to update the Embracing Differences website –
- Start with a complete analysis of the website’s look, feel and content
- The website was basic and was not very appealing. But, the organization was not in a position to develop a new website
- Since Embracing Differences is focused on artwork, it was important to create visual integrity that resonated with their message
- Visible link to donate was added to the navigation bar
- Used 24Fundraiser for electronic fundraising. The fundraising header uses the logo for the signature event.
- When we discovered that the site did not have the bandwidth to hold a lot of hi-res photos, we created a Press Center off-site that is linked to the Press Center icon.
- An Application form to formally register for the competition along with an Application Packet gave teachers a chance to register for the competition and a teacher’s webinar without leaving the site.
Embracing Differences Facebook page –
- Design Facebook page so it resonates with the same look and feel and theme of the website
- Create hash-tags and use throughout posts
- Post teacher training webinar Share the Vision through art
- Update Facebook with relevant visuals and content daily
- Encourage people to share posts with their networks
- Create a People’s Choice contest to drive likes and interest in signature event
- Used an app that allowed posting all 55 entries in categories.
- Created a graphic in the Facebook header that leads people to Vote
Be sure and Like the Embracing Differences Facebook page and vote on your choice in Elementary, Middle and High School! Not going to the opening event? Come back to the Embracing Differences Facebook page after November 1st and see the judges and People’s Choice winners.
After the opening event, Students Draw the Line Against Prejudice hosts an outdoor exhibit of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each school category. The banner-sized art pieces will tell a story.
Some of the work will show struggles in the face of prejudice. And some will focus on positive experiences that diversity can create.
Would love to hear what you think after you view the artwork on Facebook!